Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Assisi butterfly is finished

This was a quickie - it took just a couple of days. I'm not sure the green satin thread works in the corners but I'm not frogging it now! I did change it a little bit, and corrected what I would call errors.
I may be so bold as to attempt a no-sew cube for this one, if only I can find the sites with tutorials on that I thought I'd bookmarked. But then again, I may come to my senses and realise my limitations and shove it in a drawer, never to be seen again. That seems to be the most likely option. ;-)
  • Name of the design is, well, it's unnamed so I've decided to call it "Assisi Butterfly"
  • Chart is a freebie from this blog
  • Fabric is 28 count monaco fabric in "eire" from Enchanted Fabrics
  • Thread is DMC S943 satin thread for the corner parts, and "sea change" cotton thread from Cottage Garden Threads for the rest
  • Stitch count is 70 x 49
  • Started on February 21st, 2013
  • Completed on February 24th, 2013

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sharine said...

Very pretty finish:)

Unknown said...

It's much too pretty to hide away!

Unknown said...

Here you go, Kim... no excuses now...

Kay Eyles said...

I really like the butterfly, especially the colour you have done it in. Please don't hide it, you could always take the easy route and make it into a little pincushion.