Just for something other than stitching stuff..... Excuse me while I be a bragging mum for a moment. Go take a toilet break, or grab a coffee, and we'll be back to the scheduled stitching news in no time.
Yesterday was the "Vic's" - a compulsory event for state team selection. My son does both kata (choreographed fighting blocks, strikes and kicks against an invisible opponent) and kumite (points sparring), the two disciplines on offer. This is his 4th year since he became old enough to compete. Kata is his stronger section and he won the first 2 years, but was sick last year and wasn't able to compete. He was hoping to make it as state champion for the 3rd time but wasn't quite able to do it. He did have a tough draw - the biggest division of the day with 25 entrants - and lost the 4th round which was to make it into the final. There are 3 judges and each round bar this, he won 3-0. It was the first time that boy has beaten him, although he has been on his tail all last year. He ended up with a bronze medal to go with his 2 gold from previous years.
Kumite was the 2nd biggest division of the day with 16 competitors. Again not the best draw, with the national champion 2nd round if he made it that far. He did, with a nice 3-1 win. As anticipated, he fought the national champion 2nd round and put up a great aggressive fight, but was outclassed 5-0. As this boy went on to make the final, it gave DS a chance to try and come back for a bronze. He had 2 fights to get through, with another impressive win in the first one. Not sure of the score as I was also attempting to be a table official at the same time as filming it, cheering for him, and getting his gear changed each round. Then came his final fight for the medal, against a boy who was also on the state team last year. They are fairly evenly matched, although this time DS wasn't able to get the win, losing by 1 or 2 points so no medal to show for it. In the past I think he has managed a bronze or two at this event.
So, now we go to state team training every Saturday and work hard to gain one of the 6 places on offer in each event. Wish us luck! If he is successful, which I feel he will be for kata - not so sure about kumite - we are off to Tasmania in August for nationals!