Pics are thumbnails, click on them to enlarge in a new window.
Prices are in Australian dollars and do not include postage and packaging, which will be actual costs. From aussie buyers, I accept money orders, bank cheques, direct deposit, paypal (no credit cards) or a gift voucher to my choice of online store. From international buyers, I accept paypal (no credit cards) or a gift voucher to my choice of online store. If you have any questions, want better pics, or want to purchase something, please email me at jakt70 at gmail dot com (you know what to do!)
- Bambi framed piece - $10
- Celtic knot framed piece - $10
- Piglet framed piece - $10
- Monochrome green framed piece - $10
- Snow White framed piece - $10
- Monochrome heart framed piece - $10
- Pooh framed piece - $10

- Red & green Christmas stocking ornament - $4
- Variegated blue footprint ornament - $4
- Blue floral ornament - $4
- Variegated pink footprint ornament - $4
- Variegated blue handprint ornament - $4
- Variegated green ornament - $4
- Green/cream & gold ornament - $4
- Variegated red/orange/yellow ornament - $4
- Pink & silver sequined ornament - $4
- Red & gold diamond ornament - $4
- Red & green "blackwork" ornament - $4
- Red & gold floral ornament - $4

- Yellow framed fish - $6
- Pink hand towel with burgandy "blackwork" design - $15
- Blackwork bookmark - $5
- Cherry pie pot holder - $6 SOLD
- White floral hand towel - $15
- White and pink "blackwork" cushion - $15
- Ladybug bookmark - $4 (has a couple of very faint marks on it)
- Variegated purple bookmark - $5
- Blue framed helicopter - $6

- Variegated blue "Feed me!" bib - $10
- Aqua t-shirt size 0, featuring a dog holding 2 balloons - $10
- Green gingham cat bib - $10
- Royal blue t-shirt size 1, featuring a pale blue elephant - $10
- Apple green t-shirt size 1, featuring a "cheeky monkey" design - $10

- "Big boy boxers" framed piece - $10
- Breast cancer ribbon framed piece - $10
- "Nobody is perfect" framed piece - $10
- "Big girl panties" framed piece - $10
- "Viola" framed piece - $10