Well, I'd like to be able to tell you the awards night for DS #1 went smoothly, but it was memorable for all the wrong reasons. Thankfully, nothing to do with us! On to the good stuff first though, DS got the award in his class for academic effort, and a girl in his class got the one for academic achievement. It appears they gave one of each award for each class in each year level. (There's about 9 classes of year 7's this year) As for the musical number, apparently he came in a count early (which I didn't pick up on - neither did anyone else) and was mortified. I keep telling him he has only just started to play, and already he was chosen as one of 4 trumpeters to perform and he has done so well picking it up. Oh, and while talking to his French teacher afterwards, we found out he got 101% in his recent French exam. Much like the 11/10 on Junior Masterchef, I'm not a fan of anything more than a perfect score, but apparently there were bonus questions, which makes it OK.
Now, for the memorable part. If you are in the least bit squeamish, then you should.....
Ok, you have been warned!
During the year 9 awards, I noticed a lady and her son (probably about 10-12 years old) get up really quickly and try and make a fast exit. Thankfully, they were close to the middle aisle, but as they got up, he projectile vomited down the aisle. Without going into detail, you can imagine it wasn't pretty, with us all packed in like sardines. Then to top it off, he slipped and fell while exiting! Comical, if not gross and sad. Then another kid, trying to escape the aroma, slipped also! We had what you'd call the perfect viewpoint, just out of reach, but close enough to catch all the action. Some of the teachers jumped in and took care of it, all while the awards kept on coming. Now THAT's mortifying!
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