Saturday, October 30, 2010

Coat of arms is finished!

I put the final few stitches in this morning. I was planning on backstitching around all the black, but decided against it as I don't think it really needs it. Not to mention it would have taken ages and I'm itching to move onto something else! The picture is not the best, but I haven't washed or ironed it. Here it is:
Here's the details:
  • Name of the design  Nixon coat of arms
  • Chart is from Cross Stitch Heraldry
  • Fabric is a piece of white 28ct evenweave
  • Thread is DMC cotton
  • Stitch count is 84 x 98
  • Completed in October 2010. This will be for my Dad for Christmas, probably finished off in a simple white frame, or maybe a red or yellow one if I can find one and it looks right.
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